This excerpt is pulled from St. Josemaria's book of homilies, On the Feast of Corpus Christi. This is the first couple points, but you can find the full homily in the book Christ is Passing By.
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For this blog post, sandwiched between the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we're sharing an excerpt from St. Josemaria's homily, The Eucharist: mystery of faith and love, which can be found in Christ is Passing By.
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In preparation for the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva on June 26th, we're sharing a variety of resources to help you get to know this modern saint who believed that everyone - no matter their profession or state in life - could be a saint!
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In preparation for the upcoming feast our the Ascension of Our Lord, here's an excerpt from the meditation of the day from In Conversation with God.
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In preparation for the feast of The Visitation on May 31, we're sharing a portion of the meditation for the feast from Volume 6 of In Conversation with God: Seeking Jesus through Mary.
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During the month of May, we will be sharing a different passage from some of our books about Our Lady. We hope the...
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Sharing a passage from a new title, The Litany of Loreto: How it Came to Be by Maureen Mullins. We've abridged the first chapter of the book, which provides a history of litanies and specifically the history of the Litany of Loreto.
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This past Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day AND the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. With that in mind, we're sharing an excerpt from Chapter 4 of He Calls, We Answer: St. Josemaria Escriva on Vocation
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During the month of May, we will be sharing different passages from some of our books about Our Lady. This passage is from the beginning of St. Josemaria Escriva's homily To Jesus through Mary, which can be found in Christ is Passing By.
In five weeks we will celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit - Pentecost. And while we are still focused on the great joy of the Lord’s Resurrection, this can also be a good moment to begin preparing for the Holy Spirit’s arrival on Pentecost. Here are some resources to assist you in that journey.
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During Easter week we read a complete account of the appearances of the risen Savior and once again consider the proofs on which our faith rests. All our dogmas would be mere hypotheses and our hopes mere illusions if we were not certain of the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Having established this fact, the liturgy goes on to tell us that we must now live by this belief.
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The Lord has indeed risen, alleluia. Glory and kingship be his for ever and ever. Sharing some words to guide your prayer and this holiest of days - Easter Sunday. The excerpt comes from In Conversation with God.
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