On October 7th we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Did you know, this feast day was instituted by Pope Pius V in thanksgiving for the Blessed Virgin Mary's assistance in the Christian victory over the Turks at Lepanto on October 7, 1571.
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In time for the upcoming Advent Season, Scepter Publishers has released Bible Portico, a new title that will help readers dive deeper into Sacred Scripture!
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This week we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! Celebrations within the Church help us remember the significance of the topic of consideration to dive deeper into it within our relationship with God. We're sharing 17 quotes from the Saints about the value of the Cross.
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In October we celebrate the month of the Rosary. This devotion is one that has a long history in the Catholic Church and one that many of the Saints have spoken of with great love and reverence. We're sharing a little more about this tradition - a brief history of the rosary, how to pray it, and St. Josemaria's love for the practice.
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It never hurts to review the core tenants of what we believe and profess as Catholics. Even if we've been at this for 60+ years, the Holy Spirit can bring new insights and deeper knowledge so our love for God and His Church can continue to grow each day.
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As a new academic year begins, there is often this feeling of renewal and beginning again - even if we are well bey...
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In honor of the Marian feasts this month, we asked author Maureen Mullins to share a little about about the writing of her book: Litany of Loreto.
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The Stations of the Cross is a Christian devotion that commemorates the events of Good Friday, from Jesus being condemned to death to the moment He is laid in the tomb. A prayerful meditation of these 14 stations is traditionally practiced in the Lenten season, as well as Fridays during the rest of the year.
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As we celebrated the 2nd World Day of Grandparents and Elders on Sunday, July 24th, we thought we'd take advantage and share a portion of Chapter Seven on Family from Stephen Gabriel's newest book: Hope for Your Grandchildren.
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This passage is taken from the intro of our latest book - Rhymes' Reasons by Mike Aquilina.
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As we prepare to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaria on June 26th, we're sharing some of our favorite St. Josemaria Escriva quotes about holiness in ordinary life - taken from his writings.
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Remember those days of assigned summer reading? We might not write book reports or give presentations anymore, but...
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