
In The Wilderness He Will Make A Way

By Theresa Thomas

What do I have to offer that is worthwhile for others to read? What words can I write that have not already been penned? Is there anything original left to say? Is it vain to try?

This is what was swirling in my head as I sat uninspired at the desktop computer, trying to come up with some thing that would honor God, reveal some small truth, or encourage someone to find meaning in life, or a way to serve the Lord, in my column.

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The Ladder To Heaven (8 Beatitudes)

By St Cromacious of Aquileya

This meeting and gathering of people on market-day offers us the possibility of propsing to you, dear brothers, some words of the Gospel. For the realities of this world are a figure of the spiritual, and the things of the earth are an image of those of Heaven.

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ICWG The Help Of The Gaurdian Angels

By Francis Fernandez

Holy angels, our guardians, defend us in our fight so that we do not perish at the final judgement.[924] Let us ask Our Lady, Regina Angelorum, to teach us to get to know our angels, particularly during this Lent.

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Simple Living In Lent

By Theresa Thomas

live more naturally. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier, following nature’s cycle of darkness and light. Kreeft says this aids in simplicity because the things people do in the morning are usually simple things

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Lent Is Scary

By Carissa Douglas

I admit it. Lent scares me a little. It started when I told a priest that I wasn't sure if I was giving up enough for Lent.

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Praying the Rosary with Children

Mary Cooney

This year, I love how the end of the Easter Season overlaps with the month of May, the month dedicated to honoring Our Blessed Mother. Surely this is part of God’s plan. 

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Understanding our Children

By Mary Cooney

Understanding our children can be one of the most mystifying aspects of being a parent. There are times when our children’s behavior or words leave us perplexed and confused:

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Holy Spirit Sent Me A Pencil Sharpener

By Carissa Douglas

I'm not kidding. The Holy Spirit honestly sent me a pencil sharpener. It's a heavy duty (Panasonic) plug-in that looks like it could handle the flurry of pencils we somehow manage to go through in the course of only one school day.
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Growing Your Heart

By Patti Armstrong

Every parent knows that the easiest way to use your heart is to welcome a child into your life. From that point on, love is not even an option.

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